
A surprise box of indie culture items on Subscription.

Conceived and implemented photo/set designs for still life and outdoor shooting
Art directed and designed books
Design of packagings
Viaggio Acido
Year: 2019
Service: creative direction, book design
Illustrator: Martoz 
Published: Artribune
Viaggio Acido is a crazy itinerary around Lsd, from its curious discovery to its ancient and mythological. I followed the illustrator in the creation of the graphic novel and I designed the essay.
Piccola Enciclopedia del Fallimento
Year: 2019
Service: creative direction, book design
Illustrator: Davide Bart. Salvemini
Link: Product page
The Little Encyclopedia of Failure is «a hymn to the beauty of stories of defeat» On the left page, the story of a failure; on the right page, the illustration.
Year: 2019
Service: creative direction, book design
Illustrator: Giulia Pex
Published: Artribune
Based on a true story, Khalat is an illustrated novel and a travel diary that tells the escape of a Kurdish girl and her journey from Syria to Europe. I followed the illustrator step by step in the realization of the drawings and the cover
The Kind Peach Society
Year: 2019
Service: creative direction, graphic design
Reciepe & Food phootography: Moeko Munaretto
Link: Product page

12 postcards with 12 vegan recipes combined with a music playlist. I was in charge of the creative direction and design of the project.
Year: 2017-2020
Service: photography